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Our blog sections contain many useful articles from across our database on pigeon, poultry and avian information for users. Here you can find some of the most trending discussions around the sport of pigeon racing as well as general day-to-day guidlines for maintaining good flock health.


An Experts Guide to tackling Canker in Pigeons
In avian healthcare, pigeons are both resilient survivors and cherished companions. Throughout history, they've served as messengers and...
Sep 18, 202310 min read
Respiratory Diseases in Pigeons
If you ask any experienced flier what health problem, he fears the most, then if it is the breeding season, he will say canker, but if...
Jul 22, 20221 min read
Mycoplasma in Pigeons
Mycoplasma is a problem of the race season. It is what is called a primary erosive disease. Many vets agree that Mycoplasma by themselves...
Jul 22, 20221 min read
Chlamydia in Pigeons
Chlamydia is a microorganism that is found within the system of many pigeons all the time. There are many strains, which vary...
Jul 22, 20221 min read
Trichomonas (Canker) in Pigeons
Trichomonas Canker – 10% can be seeing 90% can’t. Nature of the disease canker is caused by a protozoan Trichomonas. This is a...
Jul 22, 202223 min read
Parasites in Pigeons
There are many parasites that infect pigeons The most important and most encountered parasites are roundworm, hairworm, tapeworm, the...
Jul 22, 20221 min read
Salmonella / Paratyphoid in Pigeons
Salmonella is the causative/pathogen agent and paratyphoid are the outcome. 1. Diarrhea is seen in pigeons of all ages. The intestinal...
Jul 22, 202215 min read
E.coli in Pigeons
E. coli In Young Birds Each young bird season we see an increase in disease involving the bacteria E. coli. E. coli is a normal...
Jul 22, 20223 min read
Streptococcus Bovis in Pigeons
Streptococcal Infection in Pigeons Streptococci can be isolated from pigeons and can be as benign as many of the other common bacteria....
Jul 22, 20221 min read
Paramyxovirus PMV in Pigeons
Signs to look out for if your pigeon contacts the Paramyxovirus Infection which is very contagious. Droppings very wet liquid and...
Jul 22, 20227 min read
Candida / Yeast Infection in Pigeons
It frequently occurs as a problem secondary to other infections, but also can develop on its own - from eating food that has been left...
Jul 22, 20221 min read
Virkon® S Is The Multipurpose Virucidal Disinfectant In Pigeons
Overview Virkon® S is a balanced, stabilized blend of peroxygen compounds, surfactant, organic acids, and inorganic buffer. Virkon® S is...
Jul 22, 20223 min read
Parathyroid In Hens, Vitamin In Pigeons
Parathyroid, Not Paratyphoid! Last year I was very distressed to find that one of my hens seemed unable to properly stand on her legs....
Jul 22, 20225 min read
The Most Common Infections Disease Encountered In Pigeons
The most common infections disease encountered by Racing Pigeon Laboratory Testing in Racing pigeons are: Adenovirus, Candida, Canker,...
Jul 22, 20224 min read
Cleaning & Disinfecting Your Pigeon Loft
As the breeding and racing approaches, the time is here to do a good cleaning and disinfecting. This is especially true if you are ...
Jul 22, 20224 min read
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