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Introducing Treatment Toltrazuril – a targeted solution to combat coccidiosis in pigeons. This specialized treatment is meticulously formulated to tackle coccidial infections, ensuring the health and vigor of your avian companions.


Coccidiosis, a prevalent concern among pigeons, demands swift and effective action. Treatment Toltrazuril is designed precisely for this purpose, providing a reliable defense against the impact of coccidiosis and safeguarding your pigeons' well-being.

Specifically curated for pigeons, Treatment Toltrazuril is adept at countering a range of Eimeria species, including E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. Maxima, E. mitis, E. necatix, and E. Tenella. By curbing the activity of these parasites, it reduces the risk of their detrimental effects.


This treatment's efficacy extends to combatting other species of Eimeria as well, such as E. adenoides, E. galloparonix, E. meleagridis, and E. meleagrimitis. Such comprehensive coverage underscores its significance in managing coccidiosis effectively.


For your peace of mind, consider sourcing Treatment Toltrazuril through veterinary channels, ensuring a reliable and trusted product. By incorporating this treatment into your pigeons' care routine, you take a proactive step towards maintaining their health and promoting their longevity. Remember, consulting with your veterinarian ensures that the treatment is tailored to your pigeons' specific needs.

Cocci (Toltrazurilo) Treatment

  • What is coccidiosis in pigeons?

    • Coccidiosis is a parasitic infection that affects pigeons, especially young ones. It’s caused by coccidia, which are microscopic organisms that live in the intestines of pigeons. It’s spread through pigeon faeces and contaminated food and water. Some symptoms of coccidiosis in pigeons are: loss of appetite and weight; lethargy and fluffiness; loose, greenish or watery droppings; death in severe cases.

    What are some prevention options?

    • Some prevention options for coccidiosis in pigeons are: keeping the premises as dry as possible. Coccidia love moisture; cleaning and disinfecting the brooder, bedding, food and water sources regularly; isolating new or young birds from the rest of the flock; asking your veterinarian about vaccinating your pigeons.

    How is coccidiosis diagnosed in pigeons?

    • Coccidiosis in pigeons can be diagnosed by: observing the symptoms of the infection, such as bloody or watery droppings, weight loss, ruffled feathers, sunken eyes, peeling on the beak, inflamed cesspool, impaired coordination or paralysis; examining the faeces under a microscope for the presence of coccidia oocysts, which are the eggs of the parasites; preparing a smear from the lining of the gut and looking for coccidia under a microscope.


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