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PCR TESTS (Turnaround times for Pigeon Viral Pathogens) 


  • Adenovirus: Faeces Sample (3 day turn around result)  
  • Pigeon Circovirus: Oral / Tracheal Swab & Faeces Sample (3 day turn around result)  
  • Pigeon Herpes virus: Oral / Tracheal Swab (3 day turn around result)  
  • Chlamydia: Pooled faeces sample (Collected over 4 consecutive days) (3 day turn around result)  
  • Avian Rotavirus: Faeces Sample (3 day turn around result)


Please note the above tests are PCR tests and not shake testing. PCR test is the only method that will give 100% accrete results.  


We recommend submitting both a faecal and oral/tracheal swab sample for the herpes/adeno/circo package.  Sending in the additional sample won’t cost any extra and it increases the chances of detection.  However, if only one sample can be collected, we would recommend that it is a faecal sample as this gives the best chance of detecting Adenovirus. 


Diagnostic Laboratory Reports All reports are signed off by our Head scientist, MVB PhD DipECVM, who is EBVS® European top Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostics. In the absence of the Head scientist, reports will be signed by the Deputy Head scientist, PhD Candidate, MSc. Signees have individually over 25 years of expert experience in the field of poultry clinical & diagnostic microbiology, avian gut flora analysis and probiotic formulation, water and environmental microbiology, mycology, parasitology; internal and ectoparasites, feed analysis and nutrition.  

Test (D) Virology Individual 5 PCR Viruses Test


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